Thursday, March 8, 2007

Mi Blog es su Blog...

So it started kinda slow...

A tourist every once in a while,coming in asking us, "So, how am i ever gonna find you guys again? I live in Greenland in a hut that has internet access. I love your store..." Then, it was once a week, sometimes from huts in Greenland, sometimes from folks right down the street. We were skeptical to get online because we wanted our presence in hyperspace to emulate the experience of walking into Planet Toys in Camden or Rockland, Maine. However, after much deliberation on how to approach such a historic direction, we decided upon the very page you, the viewer, have stumbled upon today. We look at it as kind of a Planet Testing Ground. A place where the only thing to expect is the unexpected....

So, welcome to the Planet Toys Blog! We hope that everything you discover here will help you realize just why we love our jobs so much. We have alot of you can have alot of fun.

So with no further ado, enjoy!

The Entire Staff of Planet Toys
(and the icebats)

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